Our Dossier for Hannah's Sister was Logged in 9/26/06

Monday, May 21, 2007

Our "other children"

Before Hannah joined our family, our three cats got most of our attention. They're still very spoiled, but, I must admit, they don't get the attention they used to.
Scruffy, our oldest cat, has an unpleasant habit of throwing up her food. The other day, Hannah came up to me and said "Scruffy 'threw down' again"! Other than Scruffy's nasty little habit, they're quite cute!!


Nikki said...

Yes they certainly ARE cute!
I am going to have to show Lily these pictures...I'm sure she misses them too!

Beckyb said...

I'm a cat fan too!!! Yours are beautiful!

Steffie B. said...

We have a kitty too! ;)

Nikki said...

Oh my! I just showed Lily the pictures and said "do you remember hannah's cats?" and she said "Sam, under the bed eating a snack!!!!"
I told you she missed 'em!

kitchu said...

I love my cat, and I feel like he gets slighted cuz the dog is just more demanding... sigh.

Emmie said...

what cute kittys!