Our Dossier for Hannah's Sister was Logged in 9/26/06

Monday, March 12, 2007

Just finish the sentence, sir

I saw this on my friend Nikki's blog and decided to play along ...

1. When I was five... I loved celery, but hated all other vegetables.
2. March sure is... looooong.
3. When I think of pepperoni... I think of pizza, which I LOVE!
4. I don't think I will... ever feel completely at home in this world, but I look forward to that day in Heaven when God says “welcome home” and it all makes sense.
5. Yesterday I heard... the “Wonder Pets” theme song again …and again…and again.
6. Cowboy boots... remind me of when I lived in Fort Worth, Texas, while attending undergraduate school.
7. If I were a tree... I would tell Al Gore to stop hugging me.
8. Computers will never... be a fixture in my mother-in-law’s house.
9. The problem with toast is... it smells better than it tastes.
10. If I could, I would definitely... have New Jersey pizza delivered to my home in Illinois at least once a week.


Nikki said...

Great answers, Tracy!
Loved 'em.

Hey, check your e-mail -- I just sent you one!

Anonymous said...

Ahh yes... in the land of Chicago deep-dish, a bubbly east coast thin crust would be great. time for a roadtrip. SU

ShaggaBear (Linda) said...

#7 - Hilarious! I would too!

Your little girl is adorable!

-Linda, from Sept DTC group