Our Dossier for Hannah's Sister was Logged in 9/26/06

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Life lesson number 328 …

Always remember to have brownie or muffin mix in the pantry. I say this because it seems to be the quickest way to bring Hannah back to her normal self after an unexplained overreaction to something (otherwise known as a “meltdown”). I learned this lesson last summer when Hannah looked out the window and saw her Daddy get into a Metro car, which whisked him off to the airport to commute to his new job in Chicago. (The picture I’ve posted was taken that night.) Well, we had a “meltdown moment” last weekend, and upon the slightest hint of her being receptive to something, I suggested that we bake corn muffins. It worked! I really don’t blame her, though --- baking something sweet always makes me feel better. Now, of course, I have to get to the store as fast as I can because there’s only one box of Jiffy corn muffin mix left!


Anonymous said...

Makes me laugh...

Nikki said...

Too funny!
I am always scrambling during those "moments" to see what is going to get the monster to leave my sweet girl's body!

And, I was just at Meijer and ALMOST bought some brownie mix...
oops, I'll have to go back!

Verna said...

Hi, Nikki sent me over to check your site out. What a great thing to have Hannah respond to baking. Our Mya seems to settle down with children's TV. Whatever it takes. Those meltdowns can be very difficult times. Hey, I noticed your LID is 9/26/06. Ours is 9/21/06. Cool! Check us out at www.nevertoomany.blogspot.com